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Selectmen Minutes 11/06/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 6, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:03pm.

SUBJECT: 2008 Budget Proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members – Bruce Dyke, Lucille Noel, Jason Weir, Scott Marston, Norm Larochelle, Lisa Drouse and John Martell

Building Inspector

Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector, explained to the budget committee that his administration line is established by the number of permits issued each year.  The Planning Board increased the building permit fees this year, thus the increase to this line item.  Mr. Paveglio receives a portion of each permit issued.  This budget is offset by the revenue generated from the fees collected.

Cemetery Trustees  

Trustees Joanna McIntosh and Gil Vien reviewed the budget proposal.  The trustees submitted a flat line budget.  The mapping of Leavitt Cemetery will begin next year and the entire project will be completed in phases.

Recreation Commission

Chairman of the commission, Richard DeBold spoke to the group relative to the current ongoing expenses of the commission and on next year’s recreation budget which reflects a five percent reduction over the last two years.  Warrant Articles proposed include upgrades and repair to the irrigation system, roof repair of the snack shack (currently under review by the Selectmen to authorize funding this year from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve) and roof and flooring repair to the storage building.

Lisa Drouse asked for clarification on the proposed Community Building as stated in the draft CIP.  Mr. DeBold clarified that the building project is not scheduled for next year.  Review and correction of the CIP is needed prior to its adoption by the Planning Board.

Highway Department

Road Agent, David Kenneally answered questions from the group relative to current expenses versus next year’s proposed budget.  Several of the highway maintenance lines are overspent.  A detail expense report is needed to determine if costs are being correctly coded or the need for some cost shifting exists.  

Warrant Articles for paving Center Road and repairing Canterbury Road have been submitted.  Costs proposed do not match the costs submitted for the CIP.  David was asked to review and correct the figures for the CIP.  Also a scope of the projects with associated breakdowns is needed to outline and justify the cost of the proposals.

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BOS minutes
November 6, 2007

 Conservation Commission

Chairman Bob Mann was present for questions on the commission’s budget proposal.  This budget is a flat line budget with the exception of the secretarial costs.  A paid secretarial position began in May of 2007.  The secretarial line, which shows an increase of $75.00, is reflective of the current monthly costs, budgeted for twelve months.

Budget Committee chairman Bruce Dyke, voiced a concern to the Selectmen on behalf of the entire committee relative to last year’s additional monies requested from the Police and Fire Departments at the public hearing.  Bruce asked if the Selectmen have the expectation to have that money removed from this year’s proposal on the respective line items so that these lines will not be flat but in fact a reduction.  Chairman Colbert stated great point, that has not come up nor been stated to the two departments as yet.


The Town Organization Committee has established the date of November 15, 2007, for the first regional Select board meeting, hosted by the Town of Chichester.  A Chichester representative has not been determined yet.  The three Selectmen agreed to attend this first meeting and then establish a representative going forward.

Selectman DeBold shared two additional quotes he received for the roof repair on the snack shack; Alpine Roofing - $900.00; S&W Roofing - $1200.00.  The first quote from Tepper Construction was $1125.00.  The Board agreed for Selectman DeBold to review the written proposal, once received from Alpine Roofing and if in order, accept their proposal contingent upon receipt of a Certificate of Insurance.  

Lisa was directed to speak with Mr. Kenneally regarding the inconsistencies within the highway department’s CIP proposals.

The office has not received snow plow contracts as of today.  No word on whether an additional plow driver has been retained.  

A request for use of the Grange Hall was discussed.  The Selectmen are looking into new procedures for resuming rental of the hall for private use.  The Board has suspended private use due to damages incurred in the building.  The Selectmen are discussing the need for hired custodial help during rental times.  The Board is considering holding an informational meeting for public input.  

The Board reviewed a request from the United States Geological Survey, Science Center, to install and operate a long-term continuous record streamgage station on the Suncook River, located at the Thunder Bridge Site.  A USGS benchmark was previously at this location.  The Board agreed to the new station provided it was placed on the town owned property on the southeast side of the new bridge. A technician from the USGS office has been working with Historical Society member, Bernie Reinhardt on the location and design of the structure.  Lisa was directed to follow-up with the Science Center Office.  

Selectman MacCleery apprised the Board of a change in legislation that will require all contractors to have workers compensation insurance. Further information is needed on this matter.

Mail and remaining correspondence was reviewed.

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BOS minutes
November 6, 2007

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of October 30, 2007 as written.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:09PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    

______________________    _______________________   _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman        Richard DeBold                      Stephen MacCleery

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN